• At Home Game

    Doomensions: Pop-Up Mystery Manor

    Review Game Description “As a newly commissioned paranormal investigator, gather your thick scrapbook of evidence and pay a visit to the three-dimensional Mysterious Manor – no assembly required! Secrets may lie hidden in every dark corner, behind every closed door, making repeated exploration of the manor crucial to your investigation!” Personal Experience I love at-home puzzle games that play with…

  • At Home Game,  Subscription Game

    Curious Correspondence Club: The Tinker’s Trinket

    Review Game Description “Navigate the treasures that litter the walls of the Tinker’s Workshop and perhaps become the first to discover a long lost secret?” Personal Experience This being our third chapter of the Curious Correspondence Club, we knew exactly what was awaiting us when we received our familiar envelope in the mail: a solid, but challenging, paper-based puzzle experience…

  • At Home Game,  Subscription Game

    Curious Correspondence Club: Wharehouse on the Wharf

    Review Game Description “A chill in the air and blanket of fog carried by it, you find yourself met by a rusty shipping yard. With only a handful of information and a dockmaster intently focused on your capture, you must uncover the secrets of the docks using evidence left by a faceless ally.” Personal Experience After a very pleasing experience with Chapter…

  • At Home Game,  Subscription Game

    Curious Correspondence Club: The Custodian’s Keys

    Review Game Description “Welcome to the M.B. Franklin Museum of Natural History, a place of knowledge, learning, and curiosity. When a serendipitous discovery grants you an audience with the Museum’s Custodian, a peculiar occurence launches the hunt for a secret hidden within this storied institution. Will you be able to unlock the secrets?” Personal Experience Despite the curious coincidence of…